Sunday, 18 November 2007

Canadian visitors

The only reason you would get up early on a Sunday and choose to ride when the weather forecast is for rain and sleet and 2degrees, is when you have visitors from Canada.

Dennis arrived at Ken's on Friday and so today we rode Bracknell.

There was some bike rape and pillage done in order for Ken to turn out 2 retro bikes for this ride. Poor old Dennis on the Slingshot and the "I've been hanging on the wall for 3 years" Bontrager was ready for Ken. Both bikes were gleaming against my extremely muddy Cove Hustler!

Of course we had not even ridden round the car park when Ken had the first mechanical. Loose headset and no damn allen key long enough. Some begging of every mountain biker by their car resulted in getting the right tool and salvaging our ride.

Anyway it was a good ride- not at all muddy considering its Novemebr and CooooOLD! But the slingshot took its toll on Dennis's back and that promised rain started so we headed for a cuppa tea.

Boy you cool down fast when you stop. I shivered all the way home and had a hot shower then did loads of house work just to warm up again. (Bike still muddy in car though!)

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