Thursday, 27 December 2007

Merry Christmas to all

Merry Christmas to all, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

Well Christmas was a rather manic affair. On Christmas Eve I went over to Mum and Dad's simply because I wanted to see the kids put their stockings out and getting excited.

That meant that I woke up at 4:15 when Cal went into Mummy's bed, then worried we would be geting up to start unwrapping but it wasn't until 5am that Ella came in and after I said we should wait 1 more hour before unwrapping she got into bed with me and talked and wriggled non-stop.

At 5:45 she apologised for abandoning me but she was going to wake Granny up. 6am and she came and dragged me out of bed to watch her open stockings.

Her eyes popped out at the site of presents and the first unwrapping frenzy of the day began.

I took Biscuit for a walk after stockings and before breakfast- itv was wet and grey but nice and quiet.

We ahd to wait til 3ish beforeJo brought Jessie and Lucy and then the next major present opening franzy got underway. I don't think I've seen thatmany presents in one room!

Dinner swiftly followed and then Aunty C and Mummy were employed to do the toy extraction from boxes and packaging. Toughest work I've done all year!

Cal decided Megazord had to be built and gave me the "structions" and through much complexity and lack of knowledge combined with Cal's advice we built Megazord. Wow!

A manic day- pretty exhausting- but so much more fun to have young kids around at Christmas and to play with their toys!

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