Sunday, 9 November 2008

Am I an addictive personality?

So first it was Battlestar Gallactica- once Tom introduced me to that I could not stop watching and yearning for the next episode until I had made it through to the last episode of Season 4. Once I'd finished that one I worried about withdrawal symptoms until the rest of season 4 is aired. Solution? If I watch them all again it might just take me through to January and also I'll learn more bits I never saw first time right?

But I'm no Sci Fi trekkie fan! What's happening? Luckily youtube fills the gap with some snippets and stories about the actors  while I wait for Season4.5(?) but I needed another outlet.

After all I'm not travelling for the rest of the year, I'm home alone a lot,  I mountain bike but the weather and dark nights mean I don't go out there as much these days.

So along comes Guitar Hero on the Wii. It took me a while to give in and buy it
but boy now I can't put the thing down. In fact I'm only writing this now to give my fingers a rest from the guitar and RSI!

I NEVER thought I would get so addicted to playing musical instruments. OK well I don't play an instrument but this is the nearest I'll get to playing one! It's so de-stressing, and at the same time frustrating, after all I'm competitive and a perfectionist right? So I'm trying to unlock all the other songs as I progress in my career at the same time as trying to hit 100% of notes on 1 or 2 fave songs!

Well I sound like I'm mastering it but I admit I'm still on easy! I have only been playing for 3 days now (and don't worry I don't mean ALL day, one has to work and mountain bike, oh and eat and see the kids for fireworks etc, hmm did I sleep at any point? I don't recall. If I did I was humming Barracuda in my sleep).

Right! Withdrawal symptoms setting in. I'm off for another hit! Barr-a-cuda!

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