Christmas day started at 6am for me. Woken gently by an over excited Ella (aged 6) and yanked from my bed into the master bedroom where 4 hyper kids were shouting "he's been" and starting to pull presents out of stockings.
Each present unwrapped met with a yelp and a "look what I got mummy!".
After an eggy bread breakfast they all sat round the tree gasping in awe at the number of presents there and hardly able to contain their excitement to start opening them. Gareth handed the presents out and the next unwrapping frenzy began.
I snapped away getting pics of delighted faces from each one that opened my presents.
Then it was my turn to open all their boxes and unpackage the toys that are sooo tightly tied in! Place batteries in there and snap pictures of them playing for those of the family not present.
Too soon they were dressed and whisked off to start Xmas day all over again with their other parents (the exes). And we became a group of knackered adults.
The sun broke out briefly and we climbed Box Hill, meeting Jackie and Richard on our way back down and taking a swift couple of pints in the Stepping stones as we walked back.
The parents then snoozed in their chairs and dinner cooked way to late for my poor stomach to cope. By 10:30 when dessert and Articulate came out I had overdosed on company and interaction and just wanted to snooze in front of the TV. Instead I washed up and headed to bed.
A good Xmas day considering I was due to be a passenger on anyone's Xmas this year and would rather have been over in Canada in the snow having my own Christmas.
My only disappointment is that no-one watched the annual review in pics that I lovingly prepared again this year and its so disappointing after all that hard work not to be there to see the reactions on people's faces when they view it.
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