Saturday, 28 February 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
Shuttling Hurtwood?!
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Indoor Climbing
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Proper Beau- Done!
Now I'm just one of the boys when it comes to riding, Simon decided I needed to become a "Proper Beau" master. So we sprinted on up to Peaslake and up Pitch and turned onto the "Warm-up" jumps on Proper Beau- the first is a slight downhill onto a small ramp and a tiny gap jump that if you don't clear it you won't get into trouble, the 2nd is a bigger ramp and a bigger gap to clear, the gap is filled with logs so its not too nasty if you land on them but its not that comfy either.
After a few fast and faster sessions over these playing with our speed and technique we were clearing them enough to be ready for the big gap jump no.3. So Simon and Gilles demo'ed the bigger gap jump on Proper Beau - it's about an 8 foot gap but the ramp up looks huge as you roll in fast to it. However if you miss the landing tranny, again, you won't hurt too much but you'll get a jolt.
I gave it a go for my first time and landed pretty well on my first attempt, so next we rolled in as a 3 rider sequence and this time I was faster and flew off the ramp and landed perfectly on 2 wheels on the great tranny- it felt sweet!
We carried on down T2 to the car park and then watched Simon and Gilles drop off "New Values" - a DH roll in to a large drop over roots and a nice steep smooth transition. As usual they made it look easy.... so I rode up to it twice but decided to leave on a high note and save that adrenalin shot for another day. Watch this space....
Monday, 23 February 2009
Nirvana Sunday Ride
Sunday was another great day so I joined the Nirvana ride again and we had a lot of fun as usual. Lots of new faces with an international flavour.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Just the 2 of us!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Nirvana Wednesday Ride
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Half Term Being Aunty
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Sunday Nirvana Ride
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Wednesday's Old Blokes Ride
Claire, Matt and John were riding for the Lapierre Zesty team with his and hers blue 514's and Matt's bling top of the range 914 in black. We slightly outnumbered the Turner 5 spots for a change who were down to 2- Gilles and Richard but just to throw in some mix Chris was squeezing his new Orange 5 in there and ex-singlespeed champ Jason was back with the full 27 speed Cove Stiffee.
After 2 days of rain and freezing temps the sun again shone on us and we ventured out into the blue skies and deep mud. Heading over to Holmbury, Pitch and Winterfold where going was pretty good versus the slop on the Leith Hill trails. Again we all took on the adrenalin shot of 2 headed dog and then further into the mud we ended up riding up a river (OK Gilles it was justa stream but its all your fault!).
It's always great to look at the different levels of skills and fitness of each rider. After all we have all been there at some stage. So often a newer rider comes along and feels concerned to be at the back or not able to ride some of the technical routes but are soon regaled with stories from the rest of us- we all started out there too, looking over precipice drops and saying "You ride down that?!" and yet now we just ride over it with hardly a qualm.
Plus we have all had our stint at the back of the group (some of us more than others)- always catching up and breathless as the rested front runner take off again when you get there. BUT we all stuck with it and kept on riding, kept pushing our skills limits and kept on improving so now we can ride with the pack or ride the technical stuff (which gets to be more and more fun).
So the moral of this story is "Stick with it", keep coming out riding with us and you too will see the improvements in your skills and fitness- and boy that sure feels good!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Nirvana Sunday Ride
Sunday's ride was a real melee of experiences. 12 riders rocked up at the shop ready to roll at spot on 11am, despite the forecast of freezing rain and snow due this afternoon. As usual some old regulars and some new faces, some new bikes and some old trusty rides!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Nirvana Old Blokes Ride
Monday, 2 February 2009
28cm + 5 inches = Snow Bike
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Nirvana Sunday Ride
Now I've been doing a few of the Wednesday rides and I've got my new light bike I decided to join the Nirvana group ride on a Sunday which I have not done for years.
Wow! Having this new lighter bike really made it sooo much more fun, for once I was not at the back, in fact I was in the middle of the group and it was great fun - even on the climbs! So nice to have a bike that responds on the climbs and does not wallow up sapping all your energy.
Trails were reasonably firm as it was cold so the mud was a little more frozen. We had 11 people at the start but after the Peaslake stop just 5 of us left the others having split off and headed back. We rode from Westcott up rookery to Summer lightning DH trail then over Leith - watched Gilles and Sam ride sticky fingers then over to Peaslake for tea and cheese straws.
We headed up Pitch to Proper Beau where Gilles and Sam were persuaded to pose for the camera in the above video. Then we made a speedy return through some very light snow flurries back to Nirvana Cycles for tea with Simon.
Some of the riders: - Gilles, Sam, Richard, Ian, Jo, Claire, Bettina, Simon, Duncan, and 2 names I don't know yet.