Friday, 27 February 2009

Shuttling Hurtwood?!

What a glorious February day- spring is surely sprung! 
I met with Mark the rnager for Hurtwood Control as he needed weekday riders to track singletrack routes on GPS and I wanted at last to give something back for all the great trail riding I do in the area.

I threw my bike in the back of his pickup and we unpadlocked the gate in Walking Bottom car park and headed up the bridleways. He dropped me off at all the trail heads and then I rode them all to track them on GPS and download to his laptop. 

These trails will eventually get published on Hurtwood Control forums for all registered users so... if you ride the Hurtwood, Holmbury, Pitch Hill, Winterfold, Farley Green area then you should become a friend (click here) and contribute both to keep the trails maintained and maintain access for mountain bikers and also to get on the forum and get the trail maps.

We tracked Pitch and Holmbury- even one trail I'd never done. The laptop gave up before us and as the sun was still shining I rode back up to Winterfold and practiced my slow switchback technique- see video and then rode Orange Clawhammer jumping through the clawhammer trees.

Next week we will track Winterfold singletrack if I can find it all!

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