Yay! The Sun is back out and the blue skies have returned. The van picked me up just after 9 for our day trip to Squamish about 45mins South on Highway 99. We've been there trail building for SORCA already and now it was time to go and ride what we'd built.
Ian from Scotland and Christof from Poland (now living in Bristol) were my guest companions for the day and guiding us were Parky, Chris and Dan.
We drove up the Mamquam FSR, a gravel road I am more used to pedalling up in pain rather than driving up. We took Rip Creek North FSR and stopped off at the top of Expect to Fly for a warm up run. After the last 2 days of rain expect these trails to be muddy and slick roots and rocks! Armour and full face helmet on!
We rode down Expect to fly and Pseudotsuga which were flowy trails with a few stumps and wooden bridges and a fairly fast but gentle gradient. They were wet for sure. Then we dropped into the ladder bridge at the start of snakes and ladders and into the rocky chute. It was a very steep, wet and rocky, narrow chute indeed and I was soon catching Christof up as he dabbed his feet and slid off his bike. Ian held back so as not to crash into us both. I gave Christof a good head start before hitting the rooty switchbacks after him, no brakes in case I skid! It was fast! Then we hit the bermy section- almost as good as Ninja Cougar- woowee! Spat out to the shuttle car park- that was quick! We beat the van back.
Warm up donw- onto the serious stuff and up to ride Upper Powersmart the trail we worked on 2 weeks ago. The boys let me go first following Parky and boy the start was steep and wet and rocky and I slid around a couple of wet rocky switchbacks holding onto the handlebars for meer survival. Amazed everytime I got down a section intact only to be met by another tough section.
Soon we were riding the bit we built- it was great although the last bit still needs that bridge as its too loamy and in the wet akmost stops you dead!

On the bit we built on Powersmart
From there we headed straight into the fast direct descent down Skookum- jumping between trees following Parky I only saw the wet roots on the landing last minute while in the air so I held my breath and kept my speed and luckily the back end only squirmed a little and I was still moving forward intact!
After that we again rode Expect to fly-Pseudotsuga-Snakes&Ladders (as I did 5 times today and each time it was drier and faster and I knew the line until it became really flowy for me).
Dan arrived and we had lunch at the top with great views before another run down Powersmart, this time Dan leading, me, Ian, Christof and Chris at the back, and Parky drove the shuttle.
Next step it up again to ride 19th hole, a double diamond black. At which point Christof called it a day. I was a bit afraid now as Chris described it as a step up from Powersmart which I felt was at my limit of ability! It used to be a fall line ride and still is at the top but the impossible middle section has been cut into the hill now to flow more. Chris led, then me then Ian and Parky playing sweep. The first section was extremely steep and rooty, crazy swicthbacks but mainly crazy long rooty steep decsents - bike squirming all over the place.
Then it mellowed into the new built bit and was a fun descent with great banked swicthbacks, still steep and rocky so brain must be engaged but not quite as scary! We took a look at City Boy with its slick narrow high woodwork and decided better. So we rode Home Brew just peeking at the huge gap jump on Home Grown- Woah!
Now I was getting much faster on the last runs in as I knew the lines. At the bottom Ian called it a day but you know me- I wanted more but my arms were tired so maybe a little mellower? Is that possible here?
So we aterted in the same place but missed the 1st section of 19th hole by riding P-nut Wild and dropping into 19th hole a little above the new section so still some hairy rooty fall lines to negotiate but I rode much more with just a foot dab here and there to keep me steady. Some great helmet cam footage of me on this run too- will be posted soon. I absolutely loved this run down and was riding pretty much at my fastest on the bottom runs, to the extent I almost lost it a couple of times. Especially with Dan right on my tail filming me.
What a great day- it really reminded me that this is the type of riding I really love- trails you don't know too well, technically challenging to scare you a little but prove you can ride them. A sense of achievement! Great. (I want to ride it in the dry now too!)
BBQ tonight and watching the footage that I'll try and publish here soon when I get it.