Well you may have thought I'd dropped off the face of the world but..... maybe life just changed a little for me this week. You may be shocked or at least raise an eyebrow to the following if you think you know me well...
After weeks of relative sobriety and dedication to serious bike riding I had a personality change. We had a few days where no tours were booked, this just happened to coincide with a staff party so I decided to have a party fling for a change and remember my youthful days of drinking to oblivion and see if I could still do it.
Party at Andrew's log cabin Mule Deer. Started with Jeremy lining up the shots for all the staff and that's when I knew the slippery slope was getting steeper. We danced on the deck under the stars, we drank and talked a load of nonsense. We ran off the dock and jumped in the lake at 2am, then hit the hot tub to warm up and shrivel. Finally made it home at 3:30am.
Up at 8am ( a lie in)- hmm I don't seem to have a hangover- so I pretended to be sober at work!
I thought that was it for my party dose- but no! The next night Bryant, Natalie's friend arrived and we drank til 2:30am on the deck and had a good old natter, putting the world to rights. Up at 7am to work- ow!
That should have led to a hangover and a rest night (I'm not 21 anymore!) but no hangover so I did it again- this time for Cat and Ari's leaving do in the bar. Up to 3:30am drinking and chatting and watching the shenanigans of the young 2o something relationships going on. Hoping I was beyond that stage but worrying that I'm not!
Then I got a night off just chilling with Terry, Adrian and Bryant on our cabin deck- soft drinks only.
Just as well as on Thursday I had a guided ride which Bobbi and Jack joined and we had a great time coming out of Spruce- turned out JJ was on the tour too, so as I owed him a night on the beers- we hit the bar after a dip in the lake, a canoe ride and a warm up in the hot tub of course.
The pitchers flowed and this time we were up to 3:30am drinking far too many pitchers and having some great old British banter and deep conversations with Brennan, Adrian, Darryl etc.
After 3hrs sleep I woke up with a start not knowing the time- and with no watch or phone to tell it. I looked outside, the sun was up. Was I late for work or is it still 5am? I took a photo to try and tell the time but have no idea what zone my camera is in! So up I got and went to work- 30mins early 6:30am. In a grumpy old mood at breakfast!
We laughed a lot- it was a great night. In fact its been a top week- but time to detox now.
Soon I was thinking happy thoughts so as to be jolly for all the customers I had to chat to and off I went at 9am to guide a tour- probably still drunk but making it fun for everyone. We had an awesome ride - a bit slow but by 2pm my hangover was starting to kick in- in the heat of the ride- ow!
That's it for partying- next week detox at Sky Camp. Pheee- ewww!
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