Sunday, 13 September 2009

Kingdom Lakes

Decided to take an afternoon off today, so after sending out all the flights, I jumped in the car with Jeremy and Nat and we drove over to Kingdom Lakes at Bralorene. Hoping to go hiking we ended up sunbathing, jumping in the cold cold lake and having a few drinks and some long in depth chats! The lake is so remote and quiet, just trees and mountains forever, what an idyllic spot to spend a lazy day.

Nat managed to cut her foot on the rocks as she clambered out for us to take this group shot. So we patched her up. she said the shot was worth it but I hope she can walk around anddo her job all day with it!!

Pretty cool day- shame it had to end.

Tried to pretend to be sober at dinner and finish some work off ready for tomorrow!
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