Friday, 15 August 2008

Reigate Hill

Reigate Hill, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

I've been back in the UK 5 days and the weather has not been that biking friendly, its not pouring but scattered showers and occasional storms means muddy trails. I jumped right out of my desk chair yesterday following a clap of thunder and lightening so loud I thought a gun had been shot by my window!

The weekend forecast is for showers unfortunately, but today was sunny so I got back on my Cove Hustler for the first time in 9-10 weeks and it felt so light and fun. Weird to have no armour on, no full face and a light bike (albeit 33lbs still)- great spin up Reigate Hill the chalky steep climb and along the ridge to Headley and back down to Reigate Heath and Skimmington. A lot of fun! Legs feel strong!

Finally got a short haircut- my hair was so long (for me) and thick it was great to lose it at last. Then I started my chores by cleaning the windows which were thick with dirt and cobwebs from my long absence. Dinner with G&H to catch up on their last 3 months and swap stories.

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