Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Whistler Day 22

GLC rest stop!, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

August 3rd
Bear sitings = 0
Kms= 45
New riders= John and paul
New bikes= Keith's Legend finally arrives
Picture = GLC rest stop!

Today thye road opened from Vancouver after the rock slide was cleared and so Tom headed off to collect John and Paul. The rest of us recovered our hangovers. I bought some 5-10s and then we sat in the sun searching for sight of Keith's Legend that was apparently being ridden on the park. Finally he has his long awaited bike!

John and Paul arrived, built up there bikes and joined me in the park with Tom and James. I was riding really well and the park conditions were superb, really fast, the smoothest ever after the rain had dried out and the loose dirt was gone. I had already ridden Crank it up, Schleyer, karate monkey, Angry pirate to Crack addict.

We rode crank it up and I was flying so fast, too fast for the tabletop before the wall ride and I overshot it by a mile landing nose first on teh flat and squirming til I crashed and hit elbow, knee, and helmet pretty heavily. Whoa! I've gone from crashing cos I ride too slow to crashing cos I'm riding too fast?! Gone from landing on teh top of even the small tabletop to overshooting the mid sized ones and landing the big ones! Anyway I tore my cove shirt :-( and got a lump on my elbow and thigh but got away with it- good old body armour does its job.

We rode until 8pm when the lift shut-Upper Whistler DH, Angry Pirate, Crank it up, B-line to Karate monkey. Great fun I loved it today really in the flow even after crashing.

We celebrated and relaxed over beers and food at the GLC- mellow.

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