Friday, 6 November 2009

Back to Running

I've been here for a few days and need some exercise. No bike with me so I need to run again but....
Well I may be fit for cycling and my heart and lungs are in pretty good condition, my legs are certainly strong but running? Uh nah! My legs did not like that at all!
Apparently I have not run since Jan 27th according to my Nike Plus record. Then I started riding my bike and I've pretty much ridden 6 days out of 7 since then with a couple of weeks where I've had a few more days rest than that due to travels or other adventures over here.

I ran fairly slow and gently along the flat beach front but the eccentric contraction of my quads as I pounded the pavement was really hurting. I realise in cycling you never really get that braking force of running- yes it really really hurt and I walked around like an old lady for the next 2 days- having to hold the bannister to walk downstairs or push up on armrests to get up from sitting- anything that involved my legs being bent more than 45 degrees hurts!

I took a gentle run the following day at Crescent beach which was so scenic. And then after a rest day I did a 30min shuffle run today. My CV system is not being taxed but my legs are still suffering. Perhaps a little less today but hopefully that will soon subside and I'll be back on form for regular runs or snow shoeing sessions!

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