Sunday, 15 November 2009

Quad& Snow= 4 x the fun!

Today we went ATV'ing in the snow- it was pretty damn deep and we tried to get up to Taylor basin but only got half way up the road before we were just spinning out even in 4WD, so instead of climbing up to the alpine where the snow is sooo deep, we headed back down the yellow trail from the logging area and then up the blue trail Around the Lake then down and along Friburg.

As I'm the only one who knows the trails around here I was leading most of the time. Seems weird as the others are Canadian and more used to snow and more used to ATV's! There were occasions when I thought I'd gone the wrong way as the world looks oh so different when its white! But we were on the right track. Often the doubletrack I was used to had become just singletrack due to the trees and bushes at the sides now so weighed down by snow on their branches and bowing down over the edges of the track so much so that we had to drive over them.

It was great fun skidding around for 2-3hrs and we all came back with grins on our faces after our first real play in the snow and having had such awesome scenery to view from up there. Another great day!
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