Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Whistler Bike Park Day 1

July 13
Bear sitings = 2
Deer sitings = 1
Replacement parts = 1

Spent the morning getting breakfast and shopping for bits- some armour for me and another maxle for Tom- both found at Fantykco- good shop, great service.
Picked up my season pass and we were off up the chair lift.

A warm up run down Crank it up- all the way down- I've never done the bottom part. The whole run was pretty rusty for me- got to hone those skills again. Next Angry Pirate and I rode the log ride but did not realise I needed to hop off at the end so I nose dived and I was off my bike and eating dirt.

We played on the bottom of the park then up Garbanzo to do Original Sin, In Deep and Fatcrobat- I really prefer that stuff but still getting used to the bike and this style of riding so took it steady.

Lunch at Moguls- yummy Chicken panini.

Back up for a run down Crank it up again and much smoother this time, then right up to the top of Garbanzo we rode Freight train and I hit the 2nd drop in too fast not knowing what was there and I threw my bike away and slide down the rocks. Ow! But the armour saved me.

We rode No joke, Duffman, B-line, Karate monkey, Devils club, Hornet but no GLC drops for me today.

My arms and hands were hurting bad by 5:30 so we called it a day for day 1 and had a beer at Longhorns as GLC was shut.

Supermarket shop and cooked a meal at home before I collapsed in front of the Seasons DVD.

Great first day.

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