Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Whistler Day 3

July 15
Bear sitings= 0
Replacement bike parts = 3 (me- rear wheel and 2 tyres)
GLC drop = 1 x middle (see picture)

Started the day badly with a call from work re redundancies so had to make a few work calls.

Then I tried to true my rear wheel but that did not work too well so I took it to the Fanatykco bike shop where they jumped on it a few times to try and true ASAP but meantime they helped me select a new wheel an EX721 rim on a Chris King hub! They gave me some good advice and spent time to explain the differences between different rims and hubs.
Yes set me back some $500 but the alternative was a $250 hit on something that may not last me all holiday so this time I avoided false economies.

Got 2 runs in with Tom -Crank it up then B-line and Smoke and mirrors before the park got shut down due to a fire at the mid station. A tree on fire apparently. So I went back to Fantaykco and got my forks checked out and correctly pumped. The service in there is superb I highly recommend them to everyone.

We went for a ride through Lost Lake park just 12k of singletrack and then back to collect my wheel where I then got relieved of another $140 to replace the tyres which were bald and sidewalls shredding so I knew I was gonna have to do that anyway when I came out. They also took time to explain how I could service the hubs- (probably only after 2 years so in case I foregt by then- unscrew the small allen key bolt arounmd the hub, screw off the cap and apply a specialised grease- Ok I'll send it to a Chris King service specialist to do that!).

We finished with a pitcher of Granville Island Honey Lager and a steak sandwich at Merlins to chill out. Before I hit the laundry!

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