Thursday, 17 July 2008

Whistler Bike Park Day 4

CK on mid GLC drop, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

July 15
Bear Sitings = 0
Replacement parts = 2 (brakes F&R)

Kms = 42k

Here I am dropping off the middle GLC drop. This is my build up to dropping the big one by the end of the holiday.

Today I rode so much better as my arms are getting used to the pounding, my confidence and skills are returning and my bike bits are performing so much better.

Crank it up sessions in the morning were smooth and I cleared more TTs than ever before, even flying high on some. Then we rode Schleyer and Whistler DH course.

In the pm we rode B-line, Karate monkey, smoke and mirrors then from the top Freight train where I did a "pay it forward" deed and helped a guy who had crashed to fix his headset but at the end of the day his hand was probably broken so he could not ride anymore and he downloaded. I carried on even hitting the freight train wooden ramp drop and sitting so far back I had tyres skid marks on my shorts- Wow!

Then we rode Original Sin and I rode Drop in Clinic for the first time- a steep rock roll. Once you commit its easy but tipping over the edge down a steep roll takes some guts. Then we were into No Diff - more rock rolls and rooty stuff to keep thois tyres brushing my backside or vice versa rather.

Later we rode Upper and Lower Joyride which I ended up walking a few bits but I did ride the woodwork at the end which I had never done before. Finally I took a run down smoke and mirrors and off the GLC again (3 times today).

So lots of accomplishemnts today.

We ended up at the Amsterdam and got very merry in our bike armour before cycling home in a rather wiggly manner!

Fantatstic weather, trails are very dry and loose. Really feel like I am on holiday today, relaxing and enjoying it so much more.

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