Thursday 28 May 2009

Day 12 - Rainbow Rim Trail Locust Point to Parasawampitts

Blueberry Pancakes for breakfast – I had 3! By 9am we were on our bikes heading west on the trail that skirts the rim (called Rainbow rim Trail) and then heads inland through meadows before popping back out to the rim. I kept stopping to keep the group together and take photos, but after a while Johnny told us to get a move on to the lunch stop if we wanted to ride back before the now customary afternoon storm. So we did. I arrived at Parisawampitss (pair of sweaty armpits) with Andy and Julian on my tail just as it started to rain so we grabbed a chicken salad wrap and jumped in the van.

One by one we all climbed aboard until we were only waiting for Talahassi Dan and Johnny stuck out on the trail getting soaked. But eventually they too arrived- rather bedraggled but still smiling!

We were all set not to ride back and just take the van as it was so wet and cold but Julian laid down the challenge that he knew I cannot turn down and so we braved the wet. Just as we set off the sun came out and soon we stripped off our waterproofs, but we were racing the rain. In the A team was me, Andy and Julian and we did not stop until Fence Point 6 miles of solid rolling singletrack later. It only took us 1 hr 15 mins to get back the full 9 miles but boy we were motoring!

The B team also braved it- Dan, Vicki, Bruce, Sandy, Eileen and arrived a short while after us and about 1 minute before the storm hit and everyone crawled into their tents to stay warm and sit it out. Just Julian and I sitting wrapped up in the centre spot of the big red gazebo!

Then the sun shone all night for dinner, Sandy served up Gin and Tonics and we had the guitar out with Johnny, Dan and Sandy strumming and singing all manner of tunes I'd never heard- and Chuck throwing in some interesting ditty's too around the campfire. Vicki and Dan even got up and boogied! We drank up all the beer around a meal of Turkey Lasagne and an awesome carrot cake- yup you got it freshly baked in a Dutch oven-mmm mmm mmm! Such a chilled out night- these are moments you have to cherish, an exhausted body, great food, great companions, awesome views a campfire under the stars and some chilled out live music!

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