Sunday 3 May 2009

Whinlatter, Lake District

Whinlatter Blue Route
Whinlatter Blue Route, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

BH weekend in the Lake District- a combination that spells out RAIN.
Luckily we just got rained on overnight in our tents but clearly the Whinlatter Trails had a soaking.

We set out on the Red route North Loop first which is definitely the most interesting and challenging route. It starts all flowy through the woods with a couple of wet North shore options whish you can see Pete attempting then it climbs on exposed rocky singletrack with fantastic views of the quintessential Lake District postcard- hills and lakes and crags!

After some more fire road and singletrack cl;imbs the flowy stuff starts and some nice downhill singletrack with berms and skippy jumps some in the forest and some on exposed hillsides- all adding to the exhilaration. Despite the puddles it was not too muddy and flowed well.

We spotted the new blue route on the map so instead of climbing the South loop which is more like an exposed switchback climb and then a descent back down on something akin to a DH/BMX course with tabletops and berms, we decided to check out what was described as 10km of "flowy fast singletrack".

It was on the map but not all on the ground and really we took a sneak preview as the opening had been delayed. Only one section remains unbuilt but we were able to ride the wide stony singletrack and try the slabs of rocks on the swicthbacks that were interest features for more experienced riders. A section of DH style with big stoney berms and tabletops and jumps that you could roll was fun but a bit rocky still as its not worn in yet. Then we hit some really nice singletrack at the end with a couple of skippy jump features as per the photo.

OK the blue is tame but it was fun to flow with your ride and will no doubt get better with age. It's a great way to bring all levels of mountain biker into the are as anyone who rides a mountain bike and is reasonable fit can ride that stuff and have fun while riding with more advanced riders who can take on the challenges or ride at speed.

After that we had tea and cake in the fantastic cafe there which was packed- we sat in the sunshine with a slight post-ride chill down. Then went for a long walk along Ullswater Lake. An early dinner tonight (as last nights pub dinner arrived at 10pm!) and back to chill in the campsite.

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