Saturday 2 May 2009

Pinnacle Ridge, Lakes 09

Pinnacle Ridge, Lakes 09, originally uploaded by kendyck1.

Here I am shaking and huffing and puffing as we scrambled up and climbed up Pinnacle Ridge to St Sunday Crag this BH weekend.

Fortunately a sunny dry day and the rock was extremely dry and grippy but it sure was exposed and I was out of my comfort zone for sure.
It's supposedly a Grade 2 scramble with a Grade 3 crux climb (pictured). I have not done this sort if stuff for a long time but with Pete and Is's ropework I was in safe hands and I made it without a fall.
Indeed it felt like a great achievement!

My Hycoo for the day: -
"A huff and a puff,
Muscles explode into action,
The relief of achievement!"

After we reached the Summit we did a ridge walk over to Fairfield summit and then to Hart Crag and down Hartsop How and back to Patterdale.

My fitness seemed fine over the 8hrs we were out but all the descending must have hurt my left quad and I suffered for the next 3 days- hoplaong.

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