Saturday 11 July 2009

Day 55- Yosemite Falls and the Ahwahnee Dinner

It's my last day in Yosemite before a 20hr drive back so time to make the most of every last minute.

We decided to join Vanessa and Mike at Camp 4, bus stop 7 at 08:30 except the bus was late as usual so we got their 08:45.

Our plan today was to climb 2 miles and half way up to Upper Yosemite Falls.
Jen was half way to having water for the hike- she had bought a water bottle, now all we had to do was find some water to put in it! No worries like mother like daughter Vanessa was still polishing off a caffeine kick for the morning!

Up we hiked, me and my hiking buddy Jake following Greg's long legs and fast pace and his 2 daughters Whitney and Brook keeping pace with him.

It was a hot hot day and the switchbacks climbed and climbed over errratic rocky steps for a long climb. We reached the viewpoint but there was debate about going on to view the falls. On we trotted until we got a fantastic view of the upper falls cascading down in plumes of water that shot out over rock ledges.

A snack stop at what was supposed to be our turnaround point had Ken asking if anyone wanted to go to the top. Well you know me- can't turn down a challenge so I decided to join him. Then Greg turned up and his long legs said "I'm in too" - then Tim decided he could not turn it down either and so everyone who was going back donated water and snacks and "squirrel nibbled" maps for our trip.

On we hiked- I decided to set the pace at the front or else I'd have never kept up with Greg. Now the climbing was steeper and right out in the sun- it was extremely hot and punishing the legs. We stopped in some shade under a bush and then carried on up. It was a few switchbacks later when Tim started swearing as he realised he'd left his SLR camera at the shady stop.
Well we ain't going back for it now- maybe it'll be there when we go down.

Eventually the sign to the overlook came into sight and we started to descend to see the falls- now I could feel the effects on my legs of Half Dome- going downhill was excrutiatingly painful on my stiff legs. We negotiated a narrow set of exposed steps down the rock face and peeked over the handrail to view the falls and the fantastic views of Half dome and Glacier point.

Lunch at the top amongst these awesome views and regretfully we started our painful descent!

Greg set a thundering pace and we almost sprinted down the rocky steps and switchbacks- actually it was probably easier on our poor quads and calves! A lot of tired bodies were coming
up the hill asking "how much further" and we were chirpy in our response, so easy to gloat when you've already summitted. Half way down we looked for Tim's camera and would you believe it- there it was just where he left it!

So we got down the 3.4 mile descent in around 1.25 hrs at 2pm- just 2hrs til cocktails! We rushed back to camp with a lift from Sandi and sat down for a beer then we headed off to get an ice cream at about 3:30pm- Sandi passed us on the way, looked at us, looked at her
watch and the look of bewilderment on her face said it all- "You guys need to hit the shower!". We carried on and had ice cream then rushed to the shower.

Tonight was the big bash at the Ahwahnee and the showers were full of the gang getting pretty. Smart outfits turned out on all sides of our campsite and we were off to catch a bus.

The Ahwahnee was an amazing building rocks and wooden log lodge effect on a grand scale with an imposing backdrop of granite mountains and the hugest fireplace you can imagine. We had a fantastic dinner and a few paper airplane challenges between tables. Ken won a cheeky $100 bet off Mike!

The wine flowed and the group gradually descended into disrepair and ventured out into the meadow for photos and cartwheels- at least Vanessa and I rose to Rory and Jakes challenge to see if we old ladies could still do one! And we could! Even in a merry old state!

What an awesome end to a great trip.

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