Tuesday 21 July 2009

Guide the Slide

A last minute booking had me heading out the North Cinnabar trail with 2 guests and riding the local trails. It's pretty slidy around there as the trails are so dry and sooo dusty, negotiating the switchbacks is more like turning your snowboard- significant drifting and applying brakes ona descent is a no-no, just let them go and slither down!

It was over 30 degrees and we ran out of water when we reached the fire zone near Mowson pond which was a real hot spot with no shade as there are no leaves left on th trees. You could feel the residual heat of the ground pushing up to us and the smell of carbon and soot was all around. But we made it back to the pick up spot at Mowson pond and ran straight into the Tyax bar for a couple of pints of ice cold water!

Tonight we sat on the deck of the cabin with some cold beers admiring the Lakes and Mount Truax peak now that Terry had cut some trees down so we can see it clearly! Great times!

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