Wednesday 5 August 2009

Local Tourists

Today became a rest day before tomorrow's ride.
We had a water ski down at Gun Lake and I made it right round the lake in one go this time and first time, but then it got stormy and too choppy to ski so we went on a tour of the local towns.

Gold Bridge population of 43! That tour did not take long, a hotel, a general/liquir store and a gas station with no gas left!

On up to Bralorne population of about 60, stopped at the Mineshaft pub to get gas! Then on up to the Pioneer museum to learn all about the Gold Mining days when there were some 10,000 residents here and a thriving community. One of the best Gold seams in North America here but it shut in 1971 after some 70 years of existence I guess.

We visitied the old mine shaft and watched Terry break and examine old stones for Gold, we found mainly Pyrite.

Good to see the local area and imaging it in its hey day!

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