Wednesday 10 June 2009

Day 25- Whistler

What happened to Day 24?
Well it was a rest day so not really too cool to talk about doing my washing and shopping is it!?

But today I was back in the bike park and another gorgeous day it was too- the trails are riding really well but quite a few bits are closed today as they prepare for the weekend onslaught. Upper B-line and Ninja cougar and Lower Angry pirate are clearly getting some TLC.

We startedout with Matt, Sean and I down Crank it Up but as Sean's rear swing arm was swinging one way while the front trinagle swung another he had to retire after that run.

So Matt and I went double diamond black scoping! We headed down Upper Whistler DH first and we stopped at all the rock slabs I have done before so I could show him the line and we stopped at all the ones I cannot ride so we could walk it. (Actually I have done them all - it was the next trail we had to do that on).

Next up was Detroit Rock City - there are some serious steep rock slabs here- Matt could not believe we would ride them but after I rode them and he could see the line he was down them too. But it has to be said some of them put your heart in your mouth as you tip over the edge and feel you'll be going over the bars! The fast dusty rock slab was fine but the dry conditions made the dusty roll out a real fishtail drifter until you hit the right hander berm at speed.

We were enjoying this even if we were slow down everything- next up was Joyride, we rode the 1st section then stopped on the long dusty rock chute which I've always taken the chicken run on- and we both did the latter. Going from Upper to lower you take a wood bridge across crank it up but I pulled up just in time at the top of that as the drop off is seriously steep and you really need to lift the front wheel on the roll off (something I don't think I can do while descending so steeply). We walked round. But I do love lower joyride- nice techy rock sections, quite steep and then suddenly your rolling on log rolls through the trees- fun!

We took a look at Clown shoes but the wood in their seems seriously high and challenging. Maybe one day! Certainly the 2 drops off the woodwork at the end are serious.

We finished with a flowy ride down Crank it Up - sweet!

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